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Informações Gerais

Delphox #0655 Nível 117
Tipo Fire Psychic
Gender MaleFemale
Egg Groups
Field Group
Experience Group
Medium Slow


Common Essence Of Fire Pot Of Lava
Uncommon Fire Stone Psychic Stone
Very Rare
Extremely Rare


Fennekin #0653 Braixen #0654 Delphox #0655
Nível 55
Nível 117
Fire Stone Psychic Stone
Fire-type-otp.png Fire-type-otp.png Fire Psychic
Delphox #0655 Shiny Delphox #0655
Nível 1
9 Shiny Stones
Fire Psychic Fire Psychic


HP 2.3 star.png 2.25
Attack 2.1 star.png 2.05
SP Attack 3.4 star.png 3.4
Defense 2.2 star.png 2.15
SP Defense 3.0 star.png 3.0
Speed 3.1 star.png 3.1


Ability-icon.png Blaze: A cada 3% de vida que o pokémon perde, aumenta em 2% de dano de ataques do tipo Fogo.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Vantagens e Fraquezas

Sofre danos normalmente por:Normal Electric Poison Flying Bug Dragon
Fraco a: Dark Ghost Ground Rock Water
Imune a: -
Resistente a: Fairy Fighting Fire Grass Ice Psychic Steel

Moveset Padrão

M1 Scratch Physical Normal
Nível 117
M2 Ember Special Fire
Nível 117
M3 Psybeam Special Psychic
Nível 117
M4 Howl Status Normal
Nível 127
M5 Grass Knot Special Grass
Nível 137
M6 Psyshock Special Psychic
Nível 147
M7 Mystical Fire Special Fire
Nível 157
M8 Hypnosis Status Psychic
Nível 167
M9 Future Sight Special Psychic
Nível 177
M10 Wish Status Normal
Nível 187


Psychic type tm disk.png TM04 - Calm Mind Poison type tm disk.png TM06 - Toxic Fire type tm disk.png TM11 - Will O Wisp Normal type tm disk.png TM15 - Hyper Beam Normal type tm disk.png TM20 - Safeguard
Grass type tm disk.png TM22 - Solar Beam Steel type tm disk.png TM23 - Iron Tail Psychic type tm disk.png TM29 - Psychic Ghost type tm disk.png TM30 - Shadow Ball Normal type tm disk.png TM32 - Double Team
Normal type tm disk.png TM33 - Swagger Normal type tm disk.png TM34 - Sleep Talk Fire type tm disk.png TM35 - Flamethrower Fairy type tm disk.png TM37 - Dazzling Gleam Fire type tm disk.png TM38 - Fire Blast
Psychic type tm disk.png TM42 - Dream Eater Fire type tm disk.png TM43 - Flame Charge Dark type tm disk.png TM46 - Thief Fire type tm disk.png TM50 - Overheat Fighting type tm disk.png TM52 - Focus Blast
Normal type tm disk.png HM01 - Cut Fairy type tm disk.png TM62 - Charm Fighting type tm disk.png TM68 - Powerup Punch Fire type tm disk.png TM74 - Incinerate Dark type tm disk.png TM81 - Nasty Plot
Fire type tm disk.png TM93 - Heat Wave Normal type tm disk.png TM95 - Giga Impact

Move Tutor

Move Tutor
120 Battle points.png Fire Punch 120 Battle points.png Thunder Punch 120 Battle points.png Swift
152 Battle points.png Blast Burn 128 Battle points.png Fire Pledge 164 Battle points.png Zen Headbutt
48 Battle points.png Signal Beam



Addons de Páscoa

Easter Hood addon Delphox Shiny Delphox
Easter Hood addon.png Delphox- easter hood addon.png Shiny delphox- easter hood addon.png

Horde Leader

Mystical Stick addon Delphox Shiny Delphox
Mystical Stick addon.png
Delphox - Mystical Stick addon.png
Delphox - Mystical Stick addon.png