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Informações Gerais

Electivire #0466 Nível 115
Tipo Electric
Gender MaleFemale
Flash, Rock Smash e Dig
Egg Groups
Human-Like Group
Experience Group
Medium Fast


Common Electric Box Screw
Uncommon Thunder Stone
Very Rare
Extremely Rare


Elekid #0239 Electabuzz #0125 Electivire #0466
Nível 75
Nível 115
Thunder Stone Zapdos Feather
Electric-type-otp.png Electric-type-otp.png Electric
Electivire #0466 Shiny Electivire #0466
Nível 1
9 Shiny Stones
Electric Electric


HP 2.3 star.png 2.25
Attack 3.7 star.png 3.65
SP Attack 2.9 star.png 2.85
Defense 2.0 star.png 2.0
SP Defense 2.5 star.png 2.55
Speed 2.8 star.png 2.85


Ability-icon.png Motor Drive: É imune a ataques do tipo elétrico e tem 30% de chance de aumentar o stage de Speed em 1 caso seja atacado por um move do tipo elétrico.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Hidden-icon.png Vital Spirit: Pokemon é imune a sleep.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Vantagens e Fraquezas

Sofre danos normalmente por:Normal Fire Water Grass Ice Fighting Poison Psychic Bug Rock Ghost Dragon Dark Fairy
Fraco a: Ground
Imune a: -
Resistente a: Electric Flying Steel

Moveset Padrão

M1 Quickattack Physical Normal
Nível 115
M2 Ion Deluge Status Electric
Nível 115
M3 Shock Wave Special Electric
Nível 115
M4 Thunder Punch Physical Electric
Nível 125
M5 Fire Punch Physical Fire
Nível 125
M6 Thunder Wave Status Electric
Nível 125
M7 Discharge Special Electric
Nível 135
M8 Hammer Arm Physical Fighting
Nível 135
M9 Dynamic Punch Physical Fighting
Nível 135


Poison type tm disk.png TM06 - Toxic Dark type tm disk.png TM12 - Taunt Normal type tm disk.png TM15 - Hyper Beam Steel type tm disk.png TM23 - Iron Tail Electric type tm disk.png TM24 - Thunderbolt
Electric type tm disk.png TM25 - Thunder Ground type tm disk.png TM28 - Dig Psychic type tm disk.png TM29 - Psychic Fighting type tm disk.png TM31 - Brick Break Normal type tm disk.png TM32 - Double Team
Normal type tm disk.png TM33 - Swagger Normal type tm disk.png TM34 - Sleep Talk Fire type tm disk.png TM35 - Flamethrower Rock type tm disk.png TM39 - Rock Tomb Dark type tm disk.png TM41 - Torment
Dark type tm disk.png TM46 - Thief Fighting type tm disk.png TM47 - Low Sweep Rock type tm disk.png TM48 - Rock Slide Fighting type tm disk.png TM52 - Focus Blast Electric type tm disk.png TM57 - Wild Charge
Ground type tm disk.png TM58 - Bulldoze Normal type tm disk.png HM02 - Flash Fighting type tm disk.png HM03 - Rock Smash Fighting type tm disk.png TM68 - Powerup Punch Electric type tm disk.png TM85 - Volt Switch
Normal type tm disk.png TM95 - Giga Impact

Move Tutor

Move Tutor
120 Battle points.png Ice Punch 120 Battle points.png Swift 222 Battle points.png Stomping Tantrum
72 Battle points.png Electroweb 48 Battle points.png Signal Beam



NPCs Addons

Love and Thunder Addon Electivire Shiny Electivire
Love and Thunder Addon.png Electivire - Love and Thunder Addon.png Shiny Electivire - Love and Thunder Addon.png