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Informações Gerais

Escavalier #0589 Nível 100
Tipo Bug Steel
Gender MaleFemale
Headbutt, Rock Smash e Cut
Egg Groups
Bug Group
Experience Group
Medium Fast


Common Pot Of Moss Bug
Uncommon Insect Stone Piece Of Metal
Very Rare
Extremely Rare


Karrablast #0588 Escavalier #0589
Nível 100
Insect Stone
Bug-type-otp.png Bug Steel
Escavalier #0589 Shiny Escavalier #0589
Nível 1
7 Shiny Stones
Bug Steel Bug Steel


HP 2.1 star.png 2.1
Attack 4.0 star.png 4.05
SP Attack 1.8 star.png 1.8
Defense 3.1 star.png 3.15
SP Defense 3.1 star.png 3.15
Speed 1.3 star.png 0.6


Ability-icon.png Swarm: A cada 3% de vida que o pókémon perde, aumenta em 2% de dano de ataques do tipo Inseto.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Ability-icon.png Shell Armor: Reduz a chance de receber critico para 0.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Vantagens e Fraquezas

Sofre danos normalmente por:Water Electric Fighting Ground Flying Rock Ghost Dark
Fraco a: Fire
Imune a: Poison
Resistente a: Bug Dragon Fairy Grass Ice Normal Psychic Steel

Moveset Padrão

M1 Peck Physical Flying
Nível 89
M2 Fury Cutter Physical Bug
Nível 89
M3 Drill Run Physical Ground
Nível 89
M4 Slash Physical Normal
Nível 96
M5 Bug Bite Physical Bug
Nível 103
M6 Iron Head Physical Steel
Nível 110
M7 Xscissor Physical Bug
Nível 117
M8 Giga Impact Physical Normal
Nível 124


Poison type tm disk.png TM06 - Toxic Dark type tm disk.png TM12 - Taunt Normal type tm disk.png TM15 - Hyper Beam Normal type tm disk.png TM16 - Swords Dance Bug type tm disk.png TM26 - Struggle Bug
Normal type tm disk.png TM32 - Double Team Normal type tm disk.png TM33 - Swagger Normal type tm disk.png TM34 - Sleep Talk Flying type tm disk.png TM40 - Aerial Ace Fighting type tm disk.png TM52 - Focus Blast
Grass type tm disk.png TM53 - Energy Ball Dark type tm disk.png TM59 - Brutal Swing Steel type tm disk.png TM60 - Smart Strike Normal type tm disk.png HM01 - Cut Fighting type tm disk.png HM03 - Rock Smash
Water type tm disk.png TM79 - Razor Shell

Move Tutor

Move Tutor
64 Battle points.png Knock Off 72 Battle points.png Iron Defense 48 Battle points.png Signal Beam




Android Worker Addon Escavalier Shiny Escavalier
Android Worker addon.png Android Escavalier.png Android Shiny Escavalier.png