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Informações Gerais

Infernape #0392 Nível 80
Tipo Fighting Fire
Gender MaleFemale
Headbutt, Cut, Rock Smash e Dig
Egg Groups
Human-Like Group Field Group
Experience Group
Medium Slow


Common Essence Of Fire Pot Of Lava Sitrus Berry Sitrus Seed
Uncommon Fire Stone
Very Rare
Extremely Rare


Chimchar #0390 Monferno #0391 Infernape #0392
Nível 40
Nível 80
Fire Stone Winner Stone
Fire-type-otp.png Fighting-type-otp.png Fire-type-otp.png Fighting Fire
Infernape #0392 Shiny Infernape #0392
Nível 1
8 Shiny Stones
Fighting Fire Fighting Fire


HP 2.3 star.png 2.25
Attack 3.1 star.png 3.1
SP Attack 3.1 star.png 3.1
Defense 2.1 star.png 2.1
SP Defense 2.1 star.png 2.1
Speed 3.2 star.png 3.2


Ability-icon.png Blaze: A cada 3% de vida que o pokémon perde, aumenta em 2% de dano de ataques do tipo Fogo.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Hidden-icon.png Iron Fist: Aumenta em 20% o dano de Punching Moves.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Vantagens e Fraquezas

Sofre danos normalmente por:Normal Electric Fighting Poison Rock Ghost Dragon Fairy
Fraco a: Flying Ground Psychic Water
Imune a: -
Resistente a: Bug Dark Fire Grass Ice Steel

Moveset Padrão

M1 Fire Punch Physical Fire
Nível 1
M2 Thunder Punch Physical Electric
Nível 1
M3 Flame Wheel Physical Fire
Nível 1
M4 Calm Mind Status Psychic
Nível 11
M5 Mach Punch Physical Fighting
Nível 21
M6 Rock Smash Physical Fighting
Nível 45
M7 Fire Pledge Special Fire
Nível 55
M8 Blaze Kick Physical Fire
Nível 85
M9 Flare Blitz Physical Fire
Nível 95
M10 Slack Off Status Normal
Nível 115


Poison type tm disk.png TM06 - Toxic Fighting type tm disk.png TM08 - Bulk Up Fire type tm disk.png TM11 - Will O Wisp Dark type tm disk.png TM12 - Taunt Normal type tm disk.png TM15 - Hyper Beam
Normal type tm disk.png TM16 - Swords Dance Rock type tm disk.png TM21 - Stone Edge Grass type tm disk.png TM22 - Solar Beam Steel type tm disk.png TM23 - Iron Tail Ground type tm disk.png TM28 - Dig
Fighting type tm disk.png TM31 - Brick Break Normal type tm disk.png TM32 - Double Team Normal type tm disk.png TM33 - Swagger Normal type tm disk.png TM34 - Sleep Talk Fire type tm disk.png TM35 - Flamethrower
Fire type tm disk.png TM38 - Fire Blast Rock type tm disk.png TM39 - Rock Tomb Flying type tm disk.png TM40 - Aerial Ace Dark type tm disk.png TM41 - Torment Fire type tm disk.png TM43 - Flame Charge
Fighting type tm disk.png TM47 - Low Sweep Rock type tm disk.png TM48 - Rock Slide Fire type tm disk.png TM50 - Overheat Fighting type tm disk.png TM52 - Focus Blast Ghost type tm disk.png TM56 - Shadow Claw
Ground type tm disk.png TM58 - Bulldoze Normal type tm disk.png HM01 - Cut Fighting type tm disk.png TM68 - Powerup Punch Normal type tm disk.png TM73 - Roar Fire type tm disk.png TM74 - Incinerate
Grass type tm disk.png TM75 - Grass Knot Dark type tm disk.png TM81 - Nasty Plot Bug type tm disk.png TM84 - Uturn Fire type tm disk.png TM93 - Heat Wave Normal type tm disk.png TM95 - Giga Impact
Flying type tm disk.png TM96 - Acrobatics

Move Tutor

Move Tutor
152 Battle points.png Drain Punch 128 Battle points.png Endeavor 120 Battle points.png Swift
152 Battle points.png Blast Burn 48 Battle points.png Gunk Shot



Black Addon Box

Red Glasses Addon Infernape Shiny Infernape
Red Glasses Addon.png Infernape-Red-Glasses.png Shiny-Infernape-Red-Glasses.png
Flower Branch Hat Addon Infernape Shiny Infernape
Flower Branch Hat Addon.png Infernape-Flower-Branch-Hat.png Shiny-Infernape-Flower-Branch-Hat.png

The One addon box

Kakaroto sayan addon Infernape Shiny Infernape
Kakaroto sayan addon.png Infernape kakaroto sayan addon.png Shiny infernape kakaroto sayan addon.png

Addons de Eventos

Infernape's June Celebration Addon Infernape Shiny Infernape
Infernape's June Celebration addon.png Infernape June.png Shiny Infernape june.png
Porygon Hat Addon Infernape Shiny Infernape
Porygon hat addon.png Infernape porygon hat addon.png Sinfernape porygon hat addon.png

Golden Addon Box

Eleven Birthday King Addon Infernape Shiny Infernape
Eleven Birthday King Addon.png Infernape Eleven Birthday King Addon.png Shiny Infernape Eleven Birthday King Addon.png