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Informações Gerais

Jellicent #0593 Nível 95
Tipo Water Ghost
Gender MaleFemale
Surf, Dive e Flash
Egg Groups
Grass Group
Experience Group


Common Water Gem Water Pendant
Uncommon Water Stone Dusk Stone
Very Rare
Extremely Rare


Frillish #0592 Jellicent #0593
Nível 95
Water Stone
Water-type-otp.png Ghost-type-otp.png Water Ghost
Frillish Fe #0592 Jellicent Fe #0593
Nível 95
Water Stone
Water-type-otp.png Ghost-type-otp.png Water Ghost
Jellicent Ma #0593 Shiny Jellicent Ma #0593
Nível 1
7 Shiny Stones
Water-type-otp.png Ghost-type-otp.png Water Ghost
Jellicent Fe #0593 Shiny Jellicent Fe #0593
Nível 1
7 Shiny Stones
Water-type-otp.png Ghost-type-otp.png Water Ghost


HP 3.0 star.png 3.0
Attack 1.8 star.png 1.8
SP Attack 2.5 star.png 2.55
Defense 2.1 star.png 2.1
SP Defense 3.1 star.png 3.15
Speed 1.8 star.png 1.8


Ability-icon.png Water Absorb: Recupera vida ao invés de receber dano do tipo agua.

Bestiary point-icon.png 200 Boss point-icon.png 100

Hidden-icon.png Damp: Aumenta a chance de crítico dos moves do tipo água para 1/8.

Bestiary point-icon.png 200 Boss point-icon.png 100

Vantagens e Fraquezas

Sofre danos normalmente por:Ground Flying Psychic Rock Dragon Fairy
Fraco a: Dark Electric Ghost Grass
Imune a: Fighting Normal
Resistente a: Bug Fire Ice Poison Steel Water

Moveset Padrão

M1 Bubble Beam Special Water
Nível 88
M2 Water Sport Status Water
Nível 88
M3 Absorb Special Grass
Nível 88
M4 Night Shade Special Ghost
Nível 95
M5 Ice Beam Special Ice
Nível 102
M6 Ominous Wind Special Ghost
Nível 109
M7 Water Spout Special Water
Nível 116
M8 Recover Status Normal
Nível 123


Water type tm disk.png TM05 - Waterfall Poison type tm disk.png TM06 - Toxic Dark type tm disk.png TM07 - Dark Pulse Fire type tm disk.png TM11 - Will O Wisp Dark type tm disk.png TM12 - Taunt
Ice type tm disk.png TM14 - Blizzard Normal type tm disk.png TM15 - Hyper Beam Normal type tm disk.png TM20 - Safeguard Psychic type tm disk.png TM29 - Psychic Ghost type tm disk.png TM30 - Shadow Ball
Normal type tm disk.png TM32 - Double Team Normal type tm disk.png TM33 - Swagger Normal type tm disk.png TM34 - Sleep Talk Poison type tm disk.png TM36 - Sludge Bomb Fairy type tm disk.png TM37 - Dazzling Gleam
Psychic type tm disk.png TM42 - Dream Eater Water type tm disk.png TM49 - Surf Grass type tm disk.png TM53 - Energy Ball Water type tm disk.png TM55 - Scald Normal type tm disk.png HM02 - Flash
Water type tm disk.png TM61 - Water Pulse Water type tm disk.png TM69 - Brine Water type tm disk.png TM70 - Whirlpool Water type tm disk.png TM92 - Hydro Pump Normal type tm disk.png TM95 - Giga Impact

Move Tutor

Move Tutor
96 Battle points.png Icy Wind 128 Battle points.png Spite



Golden Addon Box

Lady Of The Sea Addon Jellicent fe Shiny Jellicent fe
Itens-addons-lady of the sea addon.png Looktype-addons-jellicent fe lady of the sea addon.png Looktype-addons-shiny jellicent fe lady of the sea addon.png
Lord of the sea addon Jellicent Ma Shiny Jellicent Ma
Lord of the sea addon.png Jellicent ma lord of the sea addon.png Shiny jellicent ma lord of the sea addon.png