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Informações Gerais

Relicanth #0369 Nível 70
Tipo Rock Water
Gender MaleFemale
Surf, Rock Smash e Dive
Egg Groups
Undiscovered Group
Experience Group


Common Water Gem Water Pendant
Uncommon Water Stone
Very Rare
Extremely Rare



HP 3.0 star.png 3.0
Attack 2.7 star.png 2.7
SP Attack 1.4 star.png 1.35
Defense 3.9 star.png 3.9
SP Defense 1.9 star.png 1.95
Speed 1.6 star.png 1.65


Ability-icon.png Swift Swim: Tem 10% de chance de aumentar um stage de speed ao usar um ataque do tipo água.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Ability-icon.png Rock Head: O dano de moves do tipo Recoil é aumentado em 20%.

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Hidden-icon.png Sturdy: Quando o pokémon receber o primeiro ataque para morrer, ele ficará imune por 5 segundos, o player só poderá usar sturdy 1 vez a cada 2 minutos..

Bestiary point-icon.png 400 Boss point-icon.png 200

Vantagens e Fraquezas

Sofre danos normalmente por:Water Psychic Bug Rock Ghost Dragon Dark Steel Fairy
Fraco a: Electric Fighting Grass Ground
Imune a: -
Resistente a: Fire Flying Ice Normal Poison

Moveset Padrão

M1 Water Gun Special Water
Nível 0
M2 Harden Status Normal
Nível 0
M3 Mudslap Special Ground
Nível 0
M4 Rock Tomb Physical Rock
Nível 65
M5 Icy Wind Special Ice
Nível 73
M6 Surf Special Water
Nível 76
M7 Hydro Pump Special Water
Nível 86
M8 Ancient Power Special Rock
Nível 92


Psychic type tm disk.png TM04 - Calm Mind Water type tm disk.png TM05 - Waterfall Poison type tm disk.png TM06 - Toxic Ice type tm disk.png TM13 - Ice Beam Ice type tm disk.png TM14 - Blizzard
Normal type tm disk.png TM15 - Hyper Beam Normal type tm disk.png TM20 - Safeguard Rock type tm disk.png TM21 - Stone Edge Normal type tm disk.png TM32 - Double Team Normal type tm disk.png TM33 - Swagger
Normal type tm disk.png TM34 - Sleep Talk Rock type tm disk.png TM48 - Rock Slide Rock type tm disk.png TM54 - Rock Polish Water type tm disk.png TM55 - Scald Ground type tm disk.png TM58 - Bulldoze
Fighting type tm disk.png HM03 - Rock Smash Water type tm disk.png TM61 - Water Pulse Water type tm disk.png TM69 - Brine Water type tm disk.png TM70 - Whirlpool Normal type tm disk.png TM95 - Giga Impact

Move Tutor

Move Tutor
96 Battle points.png Earth Power 222 Battle points.png Stomping Tantrum 222 Battle points.png Liquidation
164 Battle points.png Zen Headbutt 164 Battle points.png Bounce 72 Battle points.png Iron Defense
72 Battle points.png Aqua Tail 128 Battle points.png Meteor Beam



Black Addon Box

Black Hat With Glasses Addon Relicanth
Black Hat With Glasses Addon.png Relicanth-Black-Hat-With-Glasses.png
Sunshine Hat addon Relicanth
Sunshine Hat Addon.png Relicanth-Sunshine-Hat.png